4 Tools for Effective Risk Management and Project Evaluation

Nova. Blog.
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2023


In the world of project and product management, the ability to foresee and address potential risks is a crucial skill. Without proper risk management, even the most well-conceived ideas can stumble along the way. Fortunately, there are several powerful tools available to help project teams manage and evaluate these risks effectively. In this post, we’ll explore four valuable tools: Pre-mortem, Sticky Fish, CRC Feedback, and RAID Analysis.

All these tools can be found for free at Nova.


Uncovering Risks Before They Happen Project failures often stem from unaddressed risks that lurk beneath the surface. The Pre-mortem technique, developed by Gary Klein, offers a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating these risks. Rather than waiting for issues to arise, the team envisions a future where the project has already failed. Each team member writes a post-mortem letter answering the questions “What and Why” regarding the project’s failure. This exercise taps into everyone’s knowledge and intuition, providing a safe space for team members to voice their concerns.

How to Use It:

  • Conduct the Pre-mortem session before making critical decisions or embarking on a project.
  • Team members visualize project failure and document their reasons.
  • Discuss the identified risks and develop strategies to prevent them.

Sticky Fish

Addressing the Unspoken Concerns The Sticky Fish technique serves as a metaphor for those unspoken concerns that team members carry with them but hesitate to discuss openly. The longer these “sticky fish” go unaddressed, the more they “stink.” To remove the stink, team members bring these fears, anxieties, and uncertainties to the table, fostering open communication and creating an action plan for improvement.

Stinky Fish — Nova

How to Use It:

  • Encourage team members to share their fears and anxieties in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
  • Identify areas for development and formulate action plans to address concerns.

CRC Feedback

Ensuring Comprehensive Proposal and/or Design Review CRC Feedback involves sharing a new proposal or design with stakeholders to assess its alignment with various case studies. This collaborative review helps identify any overlooked risks and allows for the brainstorming of strategies to minimize costs and overcome implementation challenges.

How to Use It:

  • Share proposals or designs with stakeholders for a comprehensive review.
  • Seek input on potential risks and devise strategies to address them. The template will facilitate the session to gain good insights about potential costs, additional case studies, and risks.

RAID Analysis

Managing Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies RAID analysis is a versatile tool for evaluating factors that can impact a project or idea. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. It helps project managers and teams systematically assess and address these critical aspects. By analyzing risk, contingencies, assumptions, uncertainties, and project dependencies, you can identify potential roadblocks and plan accordingly.

Nova’s whiteboard

How to Use It:

  • Apply RAID analysis during the project analysis stage to evaluate and refine ideas.
  • Highlight risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies to inform project planning.

Effective risk management is essential for project success.

The Pre-mortem, Sticky Fish, CRC Feedback, and RAID Analysis are valuable tools that empower teams to proactively identify and address potential challenges and uncertainties. By incorporating these tools into your project management toolkit, you can enhance your team’s ability to navigate obstacles and increase the likelihood of achieving your project’s goals.

Learn more about these tools at Nova.

